Days are shorter for anxious people
That’s right! Days are shorter for anxious people because they are too busy worrying, days pass them by. And then the guilt kicks in of not being productive enough.
Don’t get me started on people with anxious attachment styles. They are too busy working out if the people in their lives secretly want to run away from them, and they keep trying to hold them into their lives. It is so energy-draining that you don’t have any time and energy to do anything worthwhile, and yet you feel like you don’t have time and you are sooo effing busyyyyyy.
But when you have people in your life who aren’t inconsistent, but here’s the catch; even though you get anxiously attached, having people in your people who stay through all the thick and thin; who fight for you; who are kind to your anxious heart, THEN you get to relax inside your nervous system. You can make time for yourself after all. You understand that people being in your life, is not because you are keeping them in your life but rather they choose to be in your life. And this thought right here is so liberating and you get so much energy and time back to direct it to yourself. You can think about your future and what you want to work on next. You get to care about people without being constantly in your mind.
If even you don’t get such people to prove that people stay because they want to; believe me, being anxious and worried didn’t help anyone stay. If someone leaves, it's their choice and their being in your life is also a choice. You don’t have to work so hard and be so worried about people to be loved. No one should have to be so worried just cause they want to feel loved.
For anyone who is reading this; being worthy of love is something you don’t have to work for. Be you, smell that delicious dish your mother made, go on a walk with your dog, click pictures of your loved ones, laugh out loud with them, listen to live music, and eat good food.
Love love!